Friends of Bezalel Gala

A festive crowd braved the cold last night to attend the Friends of Bezalel gala at Gustavino's on the Upper East Side honoring the Bezalel Academy Department of Ceramics and Glass Design. To view all of the images visit and click on 'recent events'.Gustavino'sDr. Ruth Westheimer + Eliot Spitzer; guests; Ronit Levin Delgado + Dr. Ruth Westheimerguestsguestsguestsguests; Ambassador Ido Aharoni; guests; Dr. Eran Ehrlich, Sivia Loria, Ezri Tarazi, Liv Sperber, Bathsheva RifkinIan Kaufthal + guest, Liv Sperber; guestsAdv. Dan Meridor; Sivia Loria